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目前国内盾构泡沫剂产品尚未形成统一的评价标准,性能指标的选取与参数范围的界定也存在分歧。同时,针对产品的研究也大部分集中于末端应用方面,在基础性能的分析及其指标测试方面的研究工作较少。以市场上常见的6种泡沫剂为研究对象,通过其性能指标的测试与分析,给出合理的参数范围;并以此为依据,探究其中的相互关系与影响,特别增加了泡沫液与黏土接触角、泡沫膨胀损失率这两项性能指标,用于分析泡沫液与黏土表面的作用关系和盾构泡沫剂的发泡能力,说明其必要性,并给出合理的参考范围,其中泡沫液与黏土接触角通常在13°~30°之间,泡沫膨胀损失率应低于10。研究成果可为行业标准的出台提供技术支持。  相似文献   
电力机车用复合绝缘子是受电弓、真空断路器等高压网侧设备的支撑装置,其在运行环境等因素下的老化失效问题直接影响电力机车运行可靠性。文章系统分析了电力机车用复合绝缘子老化的影响因素和作用机理,重点对复合绝缘子的外观现状、电气性能、憎水性能、老化性能等运行性能及使用寿命预测方法进行了研究。通过对试验结果、试验数据的分析,提出一种电力机车用复合绝缘子使用寿命预测方法,可用于电力机车用复合绝缘子老化性能的评估。  相似文献   
为满足公司的发展战略要求,需要打造一款高性能、运动操控性车型,为提升该款乘用车DCT车型的动力性和操控型,分别从车辆的起步、加速过程的扭矩发挥和换挡结束的扭矩恢复、换挡过程的扭矩交替时间和转速同步时间、换挡线加速度和动力升挡换挡线及硬件五个方面进行优化。论文对该车型的起步加速过程以及换挡过程的扭矩控制进行详细分析,并将五个优化方向分解为13个子项,分别对各子项优化效果进行分析,通过INCA软件对车辆的控制系统进行优化,经过实际道路测试满足了目标开发要求。  相似文献   
[目的]针对“适配于螺旋桨的船尾线型+泵喷推进器”构成的船舶泵喷推进系统,提出一种基于统计学习的实船快速性预报新方法。[方法]以某大型水面船舶泵喷推进系统为对象,通过神经网络学习典型推进泵的推力系数图谱曲线,综合运用船-桨配合时的K_(T)-J曲线和船体-喷泵配合时的推力特性曲线,建立“仅需船舶阻力曲线就能实现船舶泵喷推进系统实船快速性预报”的新方法,并基于船模阻力试验、泵喷模型敞水试验及船体-泵喷自航试验的测量换算结果对实船推进性能的预报结果开展精度校验。[结果]校验结果表明:在航速18~30 kn范围内,船舶泵喷推进系统的自航转速、推力和功率的预报误差可控制在5.4%以内,其中设计航速附近的误差甚至小于2%;船体-泵喷的相互作用程度介于船-桨与船体-喷泵之间且幅值相对较小,推力减额系数为趋向于0的极小值,故船舶泵喷推进系统是介于桨轴推进系统和喷水推进系统之间的产物。[结论]该预报方法有利于提升船舶泵喷推进系统实船快速性预报的能力,可为新型舰艇泵类推进系统总体设计/研究提供参考。  相似文献   
面向我国高速铁路大跨度桥梁结构特点和管养现状,研究提出基于运营性能的高速铁路大跨桥梁健康管理总体思路。通过高速轨检车轨道几何周期巡检结果和有砟道床捣固指数,建立基于灰度理论的捣固指数预测模型,为桥区有砟轨道线路养修提供依据。基于健康监测数据,分别引入ARMA模型、神经网络法及三分之一倍频程谱方法对桥梁结构整体状态实时预警。提出梁端伸缩装置和大吨位支座桥梁关键部位专项监测技术,构建了基于钢轨横向偏移量和伸缩装置疲劳应力变幅的梁端伸缩装置评定方法,以及基于累积位移的支座耐久性预测与评估方法。研发了基于BIM的大跨度桥梁故障预测与健康管理系统,提出了桥梁状态分层分级评估方法,融合多源数据进行历史趋势分析、故障诊断与预测,为实现高速铁路大跨度桥梁健康管理奠定了基础。  相似文献   
为判断汽车座椅骨架的结构合理性,文章利用ANSA建立了某乘用车座椅骨架总成及假头型有限元模型,对该座椅骨架进行了模态分析与基于显式动力学有限元的头枕吸能性仿真试验,得到前四阶固有频率和振型、头枕前碰仿真分析加速度时间历程图。结果表明,该座椅骨架自由模态频率避开了人体最敏感的共振频率范围,整个碰撞过程假头型减速度超过80 g的连续作用时间未超过3 ms。  相似文献   
以直接传动形式的船舶推进轴系为研究对象,基于连续-离散混合模型,开展推进轴系纵向振动动力吸振设计分析。采用直接法和模态叠加法计算比较推进轴系在螺旋桨脉动推力下的频率响应,识别出第1阶模态是优势模态。结合Lagrange方程和模态展开定理推导出推进轴系连续-动力吸振器离散混合模型的动力学方程,采用动力调谐优化方法对动力吸振器进行优化设计,在优化状态下讨论动力吸振器的控制效果和参数影响规律。分析结果表明:动力吸振器安装位置应尽可能接近螺旋桨端,以减小动力吸振器动力参数值;第1阶共振线谱的减振效果与动力吸振器安装位置无关,仅取决于其质量比。  相似文献   
Roughly 90% of all natural vibrations have epicenters in offshore zones and may cause destruction of submarine and floating structures. Such excitations can influence the safe performance of facilities set up on the seabed, like tunnels, jacket legs and subsea oil pipelines. Some researches on this theme have been carried out to demonstrate the importance of seaquake analyses and their effects have been underlined. The present study intends to numerically simulate a two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problem in order to examine the dynamic response of submarine tunnel under real horizontal earthquakes. Pressure is considered as independent nodal variables to represent the fluid flow effects and the induced time-dependent acceleration in porous medium equation is incorporated in the analysis and the tunnel shell is considered as flexible. This work highlights the importance of the input ground motion frequency content that governs the development of the induced seismic stress/strain around the lining of the tunnel. The results demonstrate that for deep sea the increment rate of the circumferential stress caused by surface gravity waves is below 7% when compared to the no-wave interface condition. Moreover, it is confirmed that long-period record may amplify the overall response of the system (up to 60%) specially the lateral and vertical displacements, as well as the principal stress to a lesser extent. The developed numerical model can attend to further analysis of tunnels embedded in a half-space in conjunction with fluid undergoing the severe long-period earthquakes.  相似文献   
Contrary to most signal decomposition methods that usually decompose an original signal into a series of components simultaneously, a novel approach based on repeated extraction of Maximum Energy Component (MEC) is proposed. The approach starts from determination of the MEC referring to the estimated Power Spectral Density (PSD) function, and then represents the MEC by employing an exponential function to fit the original signal. By defining a stopping criterion based on two adjacent estimated PSDs, each MEC can be accurately extracted with an improved performance throughout the entire signal decomposition. To verify the proposed method, a single degree-of-freedom system subject to harmonic loads has been examined. Numerical results show that the analytical response can not only be decomposed into four MECs corresponding to the excitation and the system, respectively, but also provide an accurate estimation of natural frequency and damping ratio of the system. Meanwhile, by observing results from the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) and Prony based on state-space model (Prony-SS), an improved decomposition accuracy has been achieved from the proposed approach. Furthermore, experimental data from the Norwegian Deepwater Programme and two sets of field-test data from one fixed offshore platform and an offshore wind turbine have been used to demonstrate the correctness of the developed signal decomposition method. It is noted that divergence in results by Prony-SS can be observed when a very large model order is used, while the proposed method provides the better decomposition and reconstruction of signals.  相似文献   
预制拼装桥墩体系(Pre-fabricated Concrete PierSystem, PCP)抗震性能是影响其推广、应用的关键。为加快PCP在中、高烈度等复杂恶劣工程环境中的设计、施工与建造,首先综述了PCP节点连接的接缝形式、连接构造类型及典型工程示例,指出了PCP常用3种接缝形式和6种连接构造力学性能的研究现状及其优缺点;其次,系统地梳理了PCP抗震性能的研究进展,分析了不同连接条件下PCP的抗震性能,明晰了现有PCP抗震性能研究的不足及未来研究方向;最后,详细地论述了PCP抗震性能提升方法的研究前沿,探究了耗能延性构造的设置、高性能材料的应用、新型装配式节点构造设计以及新型混合预制桥墩体系的提出等PCP抗震性能提升方法的优缺点和发展方向。结果表明:通过对装配式节点的合理设计以及薄弱区域的预处理,预制拼装桥墩体系的抗震性能能够达到“等同现浇”的设计原则。然而PCP在复杂恶劣工程环境中的推广应用仍面临以下关键问题:PCP既有节点连接方式、体系和改进措施的抗震性能研究成果亟需归纳;新型节点连接方式、新体系和新型改进措施亟待提出,相关抗震性能有待验证;既有和新型PCP抗震性能的理论分析及抗震设计方法尚需完善;适用于复杂恶劣环境的预制拼装桥墩设计、施工标准亟需制定。  相似文献   
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